The Story of Whiskey City is Coming April 26th, 2025

Policies & Statements

ARI Policies & Statements

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The Archaeological Research Institute (ARI) recognizes that the land we study and steward is the homeland of many peoples. We acknowledge the myaamia (Miami), Shawanwa (Shawnee), Peewaalia (Peoria), Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo) and the multitude of nations who call this their homelands.

ARI recognizes the violence inflicted upon the indigenous Nations of the Ohio Valley, including their forced removal following treaties such as Fort Finney and Greenville. ARI condemns the intentional destruction of their languages and cultures. ARI condemns the continuous discrimination against the living Native peoples throughout the United States.

ARI recognizes that these peoples are not of the past, but are vibrant living nations. ARI recognizes that Native Americans are a diverse, resilient people with a deep enduring history worth knowing.  In that light ARI extends our respect to all Native peoples both past and present.




Human Remains Statement

The excavation of human remains is not one of the research goals of the Archaeological Research Institute (ARI) and is avoided at all costs. We believe that human burials are sacred, must be respected, and should not be disturbed as a matter of course during our archaeological research. Each excavation project will include a human remains treatment plan as part of the research protocol. This plan will be tailored to accommodate the wishes of tribal consulting partners and to address the specifics of each project.

Weather Policy

Weather in Southeast Indiana can be unpredictable. As we strive to make sure your experience with us is the best it can be, sometimes we do have to deal with the issue of inclement weather. Inclement weather includes thunderstorms, high winds, & electrical storms. If we cancel your trip due to any inclement weather issues, we will be in contact with you as soon as possible and work with you to either reschedule your trip, offer you an indoor experience in our lab, learning center, or issue a full refund. We do explore in light rain if it is not accompanied by thunder, lighting, or high winds. Please plan accordingly and bring rain clothes and water-resistant shoes/boots.

Inclusivity Statement

Here at ARI all are welcome to learn and be involved in archaeology and we strive toward this effort with all employees, visitors, initiatives and goals. At ARI All people from all backgrounds, ages, genders, religions, identities and professions are welcome to come join us at ARI in our journey to a brighter more informed future. 

Anti-Racism Statement

Though ARI is a young organization, we believe that racism is a multifaceted problem and although it can be unintended or unconscious, that does not mean that it is not present. ARI wishes to avoid this unintentional inequity by developing our methods, practices and strategies to immediately challenge and educate on any issues that arise. At ARI, we purposefully challenge ourselves to understand, discuss and ultimately correct any inequities we discover. Racism is a dehumanizing practice to all that it touches, one we condemn in our organization and community.

Anti-Bullying Policy

We also do not tolerate or condone bullying or harassment of any kind this includes but not limited to discrimination because of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, national origin, disability status, genetic information or marital status. Any suspected or found case of bullying will receive immediate attention and action. ARI is a family and we believe that means that this is a safe space. 

Accessibility Policy

ARI is committed to ensuring equal access and opportunity to the public and in employment. We also commit ourselves to fully comply with ADA and other federal, state, and local laws. Any employees, volunteers, interns, students, or visitors who would like to request an accommodation should contact

Sexual Harassment Policy

We do not condone any kind of sexual harassment whatsoever and have a zero tolerance policy towards it. All employees are encouraged to report any incident of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to unwanted physical contact, verbal advances, inappropriate language or questions. Any violation of this policy will receive immediate attention and action. 


Our volunteer opportunities range from working alongside staff archaeologists, pursuing your own historic and archaeological research or helping up with general ARI operations and events.

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University and School Partnerships

Interested in sending your students to our field school? Contact us today to learn about one of our many opportunities for student learning.

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